I was out mowing my lawn, for what I hope is the last time this season, when all of a sudden I could hear this raucous nearby. I checked on my son and he was still playing away with his Tonka trucks in the sandbox. Then I heard it again, this time over my head. I look up to see about 30 geese flying above me. The make a circle over the field behind the house, where the wheat had just been cut off. They like what they see and make a flapping landing. That is when I notice that the field is full of geese. What is more, in the distance there is an hot air balloon drifting quietly along. A great scene for our pastoral little Village. I run back into the house as my wife hollers to let me know supper is on. I take Seth in but can't resist the urge to take the camera out and snap some pictures. It is impressive how loud geese can be. The noise of their beating wings as they slow up to make their landing reveals just how powerful an animal they truly are. I watch for some time and by the time I return to the dining room my plate of dinner is cold.

It was a great scene and one that not everyone gets an opportunity to witness or appreciate. I hope these pics and short video illustrate well enough for you.
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